The Morning Cruise Replay - Wall To Wall

Thursday, October 08, 2020

If it weren't for the microphones, Dave and Bill would just be talking to the walls. This morning, those walls seemed to be on their mind. 

Despite firewalls and other technological advances, some hospitals have seen a rise in ransomware attacks. 

Switching to a new phone can sometimes drive a person up the wall, but now it seems to be much easier. Although, Bill could still use some help with organizing his apps. 

The eyewall of Hurricane Delta has been strengthening as it moves further north into the Gulf of Mexico. We discussed how the path of the storm seems to be shifting further west. 

Dave told us how the cast and crew of American Idol is returning for another season with all the precautions of living in a bubble. 

The "walls" created by plexiglass shields to prevent the spread of coronavirus don't always work in favor of holding conversations. 

The walls of a church may not be inviting to some, and the judgment we have towards each other can be another deterrent as Bill shares a blog post from Tim Challies. 

What would we learn if the writing on the wall was the words from the Book of Proverbs. Bill shared a bit from our reading of Proverbs that we've been quietly doing in the month of October. 

In the Book of Joshua, we hear the story about the walls of Jericho. Dave introduced us to a new artist, Andrew Ripp, who has a new song, titled "Jericho". 

Inside the walls of one man's backyard, he's been busy recreating a theme park for his grandchildren. 

And even though the walls and doors of Disney World were shut for a few months, one man managed to find his way on to Discovery Island and camp out for a couple of days. That has landed him into some trouble and he now has a lifetime ban from the theme park. 

00:33 Hospital Ransomware Attacks 

03:09 Bill switches to new phone 

05:41 Tips from listener texts 

07:18 Organizing the switch on an Android 

09:49 Hurricane Delta 

11:44 American Idol in a bubble 

15:40 Plexiglass problems 

17:39 Changing the conversation 

23:05 Proverbs and Fear Of The Lord 

25:55 Andrew Ripp - "Jericho"

27:55 Reactions to the song 

29:42 Backyard Theme Park 

32:34 Disney Squatter 

35:10 Bill's BIG Word 



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